The landscape of drug/device development is evolving rapidly. Let us find a solution that best fits your needs.

Biotech companies focus on innovation and developing cutting-edge solutions. Our expertise will support your R&D and commercialization efforts.

Biotech Industry (Startups, Small to Large Cap)

  • Technology & Product Development

    Feasibility assessment and optimization of biomedical devices

    Evaluation of injectable & implantable biomaterials

    Support in nanomaterial-based therapeutics (design, formulation, safety)

    Development and testing of aesthetic and regenerative medicine devices

    Immune response interpretation and mitigation in novel biotech therapies

    Assistance in the scale-up process for biomaterials and nanotherapeutics

  • Preclinical & Clinical Strategy

    Design and implementation of preclinical models to assess efficacy and safety

    Immunogenicity evaluation of biopharmaceuticals

    Design of assays for toxicity and immune response prediction

    Guidance on translational medicine approaches for drug-device combination products

  • Regulatory & Quality Compliance

    Biocompatibility compliance for biotech products

    Pre-submission strategy and interactions with regulatory agencies

    Regulatory strategy for emerging biotech platforms (CRISPR, gene therapy, cell therapy)

    Support in GLP/GMP compliance

  • Business & Commercialization Support

    Technical due diligence for biotech startups

    Identifying and overcoming market entry barriers

    Competitive landscape analysis and business strategy formulation