The landscape of drug/device development is evolving rapidly. Let us find a solution that best fits your needs.

Successful Biotech/Pharma startups are among the highest ROI industries. Leverage RMBio’s scientific expertise to support your scientific and technical assessments to make informed decisions.

Investment Firms (Private Equity, Institutional Investors)

  • Due Diligence & Investment Support

    Technical due diligence on emerging biotech/pharma startups

    Risk assessment of biomedical assets, including safety and regulatory risks

    Evaluation of IP and patent landscape for biotech and pharma companies

    Market potential analysis for biomedical devices, drugs, and nanotherapeutics

    Assessment of clinical trial feasibility and scalability of biotech innovations

  • Portfolio & Risk Management

    Pipeline analysis of biotech companies for long-term investment

    Assessment of regulatory and market risks for pharma/biotech investments

    Evaluation of biotech IPOs and M&A opportunities

    Predictive analysis of success rates based on preclinical and clinical data

  • Technology & Scientific Validation

    Scientific vetting of technology claims made by biotech startups

    Analysis of preclinical and clinical trial data for investment decisions

    Evaluation of competitive advantages of medical devices, implants, and therapeutics